Study of genetic variability and correlations in selected groundnut genotypes.

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Genetic variation and association among nine characters were studied in eighteen selected groundnut genotypes. Analysis of variance revealed highly significant differences among the genotypes for all the characters studied. The PCV was generally higher than the GCV for all the characters but in some cases, the two values differed slightly. The lowest values were shown by SMK percent and shelling percentage and the highest values were shown by pod yield per plant, kernel yield per plant, test weight and three diseases. High heritability along with the GAM was high for pod yield per plant, kernel yield per plant, test weight, shelling percentage and three diseases, indicated the importance of additive gene action and the ample scope for improvement in these traits through simple selection. The correlation study revealed that pod yield per plant had significant positive association with kernel yield per plant, shelling percentage and SMK percent at both genotypic and phenotypic levels. Aspergillus seed colonization exhibited significant desirable negative association with test weight revealing that the resistant genotypes in general had higher seed size.
Genetic variability, heritability, correlations, Aspergillus seed colonization and groundnut
Narasimhulu R, Kenchanagoudar P V, Gowda M V C. Study of genetic variability and correlations in selected groundnut genotypes. International Journal of Applied Biology and Pharmaceutical Technology. 2012 Jan-Mar; 3(1): 355-358.