Effect of Low Radiation Dose on Cisplatin Induced Hepato- Testicular Damage in Male Rats.

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Aim: The aim of this study was to evaluate the synergistic effect of low radiation dose with the chemotherapeutic drug in order to find possible way to lessen the harmful effects during chemo-radiotherapy. Study Design: Randomized controlled experiment. Place and Duration of Study: Experimental Animal Unit, Drug Radiation Research Department, National Center for Radiation Research and Technology, Cairo Egypt. Methodology: Estimation of antioxidant activity of low radiation dose on oxidative stress induced by cisplatin administration at a dose of 10 mg/kg b. wt. in male albino rat. Results: Results of experiment revealed that cisplatin administration caused a significant increase in serum alanine transaminase (GPT) activity (38.58±2.060) and FSH level (8.162±1.424) accompanied with a decrease in serum albumin (3.492±0.253), and Butyry Cholein Esterase (BChE) (65.35 12.61). In Liver and testis, GSH content (68.00±2.391 & 24.93±4.778) as well as cytochromes P450 levels (0.3875±0.0727 & 0.2167±0.0459) showed a significant decrease as compared to the normal control level respectively. In addition the level of Fe, Cu and Zn showed no significant changes in liver and appeared to be significantly decrease as in case of corresponding trace elements in testis organs. On the other hand, exposing to low dose of radiation (0.5 Gy) post-cisplatin treatment effectively prevented these alterations and maintained the antioxidant status. Conclusion: Data from present results revealed that low radiation dose have the existence as an antioxidant and antitumor agents which may be useful to use as a synergistic agents with the chemotherapeutic drug.
Low radiation dose, cisplatin, cytochromes P450, butyryl cholein esterase
Fahmy H A, Gharib O A. Effect of Low Radiation Dose on Cisplatin Induced Hepato- Testicular Damage in Male Rats. British Journal of Pharmaceutical Research. 2014 May; 4(9): 1053-1066.