Field trial of an ecological approach for the control of Phlebotomus argentipes using mud & lime plaster.

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A pilot study for the control of Ph. argentipes, a known vector of kala-azar in India, was carried out using an ecological approach. Of the 15 houses selected for the study 10, including the cattle sheds and latrines, were plastered with a mixture of mud and lime, up to a height of 1.22 m taking care to seal all cracks and crevices. The remaining five houses were left unplastered and were considered as control areas. The pre-treatment and post-treatment resting densities of the sandfly were monitored both in treated and untreated houses. A sudden drop in the sandfly density was noticed in the treated houses, whereas there was no significant reduction in the check houses, suggesting an effective control.
Kumar V, Kesari SK, Sinha NK, Palit A, Ranjan A, Kishore K, Saran R, Kar SK. Field trial of an ecological approach for the control of Phlebotomus argentipes using mud & lime plaster. Indian Journal of Medical Research. 1995 Apr; 101(): 154-6