Postpartum eclampsia is defined as eclampsia that occurs after delivery within 48 h. Now-a-days, the incidence of antenatal and intrapartum.

Postpartum eclampsia is defined as eclampsia that occurs after delivery within 48 h. Now-a-days, the incidence of antenatal and intrapartum eclampsia is reduced considerably due to good antenatal care, and preeclampsia diagnosed early and treated well. However, postpartum cases nowadays show a unique pattern occurring too late, which can be nearly missed and difficult to diagnose. Postpartum eclampsia has to be differentiated from other causes such as cerebral malaria, cerebral tumor, cerebral hemorrhage, cerebral venous thrombosis, cerebral aneurysm, brainstem syndrome, posterior reversible encephalopathy syndrome, epilepsy, thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura, strychnine poisoning, chronic hypertension, chronic renal disease and hemolytic uremic syndrome. Postpartum eclampsia requires prompt treatment. Left untreated can result in seizures and other serious complications. Here, we present a unique and interesting case of atypical delayed onset postpartum eclampsia. Hence that such unique cases should not be missed in the diagnosis and management.
Postpartum, Preeclampsia, Pregnancy
Arif Thasneem Mohammed, Hameed Jamila, Haseena S, Ramadoss Madhumitha Sekaran Ramya. Postpartum eclampsia is defined as eclampsia that occurs after delivery within 48 h. Now-a-days, the incidence of antenatal and intrapartum. IJSS Case Reports & Reviews. 2014 Dec; 1(7): 12-14.