Non-syndromic Multiple Supernumerary Teeth:A Case Report and Review of Literature.

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Thumati, Prafulla
David, Chaya M
Tiwari, Ritu
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Supernumerary teeth are regarded as an anomalous increase in the number of naturally occurring teeth. Multiple supernumerary teeth can be seen in association with syndromes such as Cleidocranial dysplasia, Gardner’s syndrome, Fabry-Anderson syndrome and Ehlers-Danlos syndrome. Non-syndromic occurrence however is a rarity and very few reported cases exist. Th e exact etiopathogenesis of the condition remains unknown, but several theories have been proposed, the most popular one being “hyperactivity of dental lamina.” When present, supernumeraries often pose a problem to the normal development and eruption of the neighboring dentition. Most of them are accidental fi ndings on radiographs, which also happens to be the most reliable tool in early diagnosis of this abnormality. We describe a case of 28-year-old male having 10 supernumerary teeth with non-syndromic association, which were diagnosed during routine radiographic evaluation.
Cleidocranial dysostosis, Supernumerary, Teeth
Thumati Prafulla, David Chaya M, Tiwari Ritu. Non-syndromic Multiple Supernumerary Teeth:A Case Report and Review of Literature. IJSS Case Reports & Reviews. 2014 Oct; 1(5): 1-5.