Diagnostic appraisal of simultaneous application of two nested PCRs targeting MPB64 gene and IS6110 region for rapid detection of M. tuberculosis genome in culture proven clinical specimens.

Background: Early diagnosis of tuberculosis is critical for its effective management and prevention. Several gene amplifi cation methods are used in the detection of tubercle bacilli from clinical specimens. MPB64 gene and IS6110 region have been identifi ed as potential gene targets for the specifi c detection of Mycobacterium tuberculosis from direct clinical specimens. Objective: The present study was conducted to evaluate the diagnostic utility of simultaneous application of two nested polymerase chain reaction (nPCRs) targeting MPB64 and IS6110 region for the detection of M. tuberculosis genome. Materials and Methods: A total of 100 and 354 clinical specimens from the control group and clinically suspected tuberculosis patients, respectively, were included in the study. nPCRs targeting MPB64 and IS6110 region were performed. Results and Conclusion: All of the 100 clinical specimens from the control group were negative for both nPCRs. Out of the 354 clinical specimens, 339 were positive for both culture and nPCRs, 10 and 5 were positive for culture, and nPCR targeting IS6110 and MPB64 regions, respectively. To conclude, nPCRs targeting MPB64 and IS6110 region are reliable and specifi c targets when applied simultaneously on clinical specimens to attain 100% sensitivity for the detection of M. tuberculosis genome.
BACTEC, culture, IS6110, M, tuberculosis, MPB64, MicroMGIT, Nested PCR
Therese KL, Gayathri R, Dhanurekha L, Sridhar R, Meenakshi N, Madhavan H N. Diagnostic appraisal of simultaneous application of two nested PCRs targeting MPB64 gene and IS6110 region for rapid detection of M. tuberculosis genome in culture proven clinical specimens. Indian Journal of Medical Microbiology. 2013 Oct-Dec; 31(4): 366-369.