Effect of mobile usage on serum melatonin levels among medical students.

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Exposure to extremely low frequency (ELF) electromagnetic radiations from mobile phones may affect the circadian rhythm of melatonin in mobile users. The study was designed with objective to evaluate the influence of mobile phone on circadian rhythm of melatonin and to find the association if any between the hours of mobile usage with serum melatonin levels. All the volunteers medical students using mobiles for > 2 hrs/day were included in high users group and volunteers who used mobile for ā‰¤ 2 hrs where included in low users group. Both high and low users volunteers were sampled three times in the same day (Morning- 3-4 am, Noon 1-2 pm, Evening-5-6 pm) for estimation of serum melatonin levels. Comparsion of sernum melatonin levels in high users and low users were done by Mann Whitney ā€œUā€ Test. Reduced morning melatonin levels (3-4 am) was observed in high users (> 2 hrs/day) i.e high users had a disturbed melatonin circadian rhythm.There was a negative correlation between melatonin secretion and hours of mobile usages.
Shrivastava Abha, Saxena Yogesh. Effect of mobile usage on serum melatonin levels among medical students. Indian Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology. 2014 Oct-Dec ; 58 (4) : 395-399.