Isolated malakoplakia of inguinal lymph node: A rare case report.

Malakoplakia is rare chronic infl ammatory disorder which commonly affects urinary tract. Though it has been reported in several sites outside the urinary tract, isolated lympnode involvement is extremely uncommon. Herein we present a case of 20 year old male with right inguinal lymphnodal mass. Histological fi ndings including special stains and immunohistochemistry fi ndings were characteristic of malakoplakia. This case is being presented to create awareness for inclusion of this entity in the differential diagnosis of lymphadenopathy.
Lymph node, malakoplakia, M-G bodies
Khera Rachna, Narla Swetha, Uppin Shantveer G, Uppin Megha S, Paul Roshni T. Isolated malakoplakia of inguinal lymph node: A rare case report. Indian Journal of Pathology & Microbiology. 2013 Oct-Dec 56 (4): 443-445.