Success of antiviral therapy in chronic hepatitis C infection relates to functional status of myeloid dendritic cells.

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Chronic hepatitis C infection poses a major global health predicament and appears to be potent threat to mankind. The treatment in wide use is interferon/ribavirin combination therapy which is generally effective in about 60-70 per cent of patients carrying genotype 3 and causes significant morbidity. The response to therapy is largely guided by limited number of factors such as genotype of virus, rapid virological response, ethnicity, pre-therapy viral load, etc. While involvement of host genetic factors has been a major focus of research in playing an important role in the outcome of disease, the role of immune system cannot be marginalized. Poor cellular trafficking and suboptimal T cell responses in liver, the hall marks of chronic hepatitis C virus infection, might be attributed to defective antigen presentation. Various immunological factors, both innate and adaptive, play role in the pathogenesis of the disease and become dysfunctional in active disease. Recent reports suggest the major impact of functional and numerical status of dendritic cells in deciding the fate of antiviral therapy. In this review we take a look at the involvement of dendritic cells in playing an important role in the response to therapy.
Antiviral therapy, dendritic cells, HCV infection, hepatitis C virus, innate immune response, rapid virological response
Rana Deepa, Chawla Yogesh, Arora Sunil K. Success of antiviral therapy in chronic hepatitis C infection relates to functional status of myeloid dendritic cells. Indian Journal of Medical Research. 2013 Nov; 138(5): 766-765.