Transoral removal of ectopic maxillary third molar situated superiorly to maxillary antrum and posteroinferiorly to the floor of orbit.

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Only few cases of ectopic third molar in relation to the roof of maxillary sinus and posteroinferior to the floor of the orbit have been reported in the literature. The diagnosis is usually done by plain‑film radiography. “Caldwell‑Luc” operation or endoscopic procedures have been used for the removal of such type of ectopic tooth. We report a case of 46‑year‑old female patient who presented with pain, swelling and watering of eye due to the ectopic tooth. The trans oral removal (via “Caldwell‑Luc” operation) of the ectopic maxillary third molar situated superior to maxillary antrum and posteroinferior to the floor of orbit has been described in this case without any complication.
Ectopic maxillary molar, maxillary sinus, orbital floor
Rai Anshul, Rai Neha J, Rai Monika A, Jain Gauravi. Transoral removal of ectopic maxillary third molar situated superiorly to maxillary antrum and posteroinferiorly to the floor of orbit. Indian Journal of Dental Research. 2013 Nov-Dec; 24(6): 756-758.