Testicular embryonal cell carcinoma presenting as haemoptysis and skin nodules.

Embryonal cell carcinoma affects young males in the prime of their life with majority of tumours already having metastasised at the time of diagnosis. Subcutaneous metastasis from embryonal carcinoma is rare and is associated with widespread disease and poor prognosis. We report a case of 22-year-old male who presented with haemoptysis and skin nodules. Fine needle aspiration cytology of skin nodules and the lung lesion led to the diognosis of testicular embryonal cell carcinoma.
Metastasis, Haemoptysis, Skin nodules, FNAC
Yadav V K, Pokharna P, Sharma Neeraj, Tiwari Anuj, Devgaraha S, Mathur R M. Testicular embryonal cell carcinoma presenting as haemoptysis and skin nodules. The Indian Journal of Chest Diseases and Allied Sciences, 2014 Apr; 56(2): 125-128.