Micro-invasive management of neonatal bilirubinemia.

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The present study aims at analyzing the suitability of transcutaneous approach and filter paper technique using Minolta Jaundicemeter in the management of neonatal bilirubinemia. I compared serially measured values of Serum Bilirubin Index (SBI) by using filter paper technique and transcutaneous bilirubin index (TcBI) with serum bilirubin level determined by Diazo Method in 100 clinically jaundiced newborns and in 25 neonates at birth. The estimation of TcBI is simple, quick, reliable and non-traumatic to the newborn with no workload on the laboratory and technician. However, different nomograms are to be prepared for different laboratories, as also for the newborns with difference in skin pigmentation, gestational age and after phototherapy. SBI determined by filter paper technique eliminates these limitations. Moreover, the linear correlation was stronger between SBI and Diazo values (r = 0.9343, p < 0.001) in comparison to TcBI with Diazo values (r = 0.9090, p < 0.001). Further SBI readings almost correspond with actual serum bilirubin levels while corresponding TcBI values were much higher especially at higher diazo values. Thus TcBI can be used routinely for the surveillance of neonatal jaundice till it reaches a level corresponding to critical serum bilirubin level at which active management is required. At this point, serum bilirubin level may be confirmed by SBI.
Kumar A. Micro-invasive management of neonatal bilirubinemia. Indian Pediatrics. 1992 Sep; 29(9): 1101-6