Effect of formalin vapours on pulmonary functions of medical students in anatomy dissection hall over a period of one year.

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Formalin is extensively used for preservation of cadavers in department of Anatomy. However it is a noxious chemical which vaporises at normal room temperature in the air and may cause respiratory health problems among first year medical students. The study was planned to observe the effect of formalin vapours on lung function tests of first year medical students who are exposed routinely for 2 hrs every day for 6 days per week throughout the year. Following written informed consent clinically healthy 100 medical students between age group 18-23 yrs were subjected to pulmonary function testing by computerised spirometery. The dynamic lung function tests (FVC, FEV1, FEV1%, FEF25-75, PEFR) were measured on four occasions-basal (before exposure), 1 month, 6 months, 11 months of exposure to formalin vapours in anatomy dissection hall. The study revealed statistically significant (P<0.0001) decreases in FVC, FEV1%, FEF25-75, PEFR except FEV1 after 1 month of exposure to anatomy dissection hall. The decrease in all the parameters slowly reverted back towards normal basal values across 6 and 11 months and was statistically significant in all (P<0.0001) except FVC. Acute exposure to formalin vapours at anatomy dissection hall decreases the respiratory functions, however on long term exposure the body corrects the damage. Further studies are required to see the changes at cellular levels and the extent of damage to respiratory system.
formalin, pulmonary functions, anatomy, dissection hall
Shrivastava Abha, Saxena Yogesh. Effect of formalin vapours on pulmonary functions of medical students in anatomy dissection hall over a period of one year. Indian Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology. 2013 Jul-Sept; 57(3): 255-260.