Prevalence of chronic facet arthropathy: a retrospective study.

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Background: To assess prevalence facet-joint arthropathy in chronic low back pain using computed tomography. Methods: A retrospective study profiled and analysed objective data from patients CT scans and previous records. Results: Facetal arthropathy was graded by Pathria’s criteria.102 joints (33.12%) were grade 1, 113 (36.69%) grade 2, 63 (20.45%) grade 3, and 30 (9.74. %) grade 4. Final result showed that females were affected more than the male in Grade II, III and IV. Age group more affected was between 46-85 years. Conclusions: Our study on chronic low back pain revealed prevalence of facet-joint involvement 66.88% (206 patients) in rural population with age group involved more than 46 years.
Facet arthropathy, Prevalence, Computed tomography
Thipse Jayant, Anap Deepak B, Shete Dhiraj, Diwate Abhijit. Prevalence of chronic facet arthropathy: a retrospective study. International Journal of Research in Medical Sciences. 2014 Jan-Mar; 2(1): 193-197.