Fiscal competition in health spending among local governments in the Philippines.

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WHO Regional Office for South-East Asia
The Philippines is one of several Asian countries that has decentralized the provision of health care to its local governments in recent decades. In the context of decentralization, a few studies have previously examined the issue of fiscal competition among local governments in the developing world. This report presents a summary of a published study that examined the existence of interjurisdictional competition in health-care spending in the Philippines. The results indicate the presence of positive fiscal “spillovers” in health spending, consistent with municipalities/cities competing to outspend their neighbours. Several potential explanations for this finding are discussed. * This article is based on the article “Do Local Government Units (LGUS) Interact Fiscally While Providing Public Health Services In The Philippines?” published in the World Medical & Health Policy: Vol. 4: Issue. 2.
decentralization, fiscal competition, health spending, the Philippines
WHO South-East Asia Journal of Public Health 2013;2(3&4): 198-200.