Bony and Cadaveric Study of Retromolar Region.

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Retromolar area in the mandible has considerable surgical importance for dental surgeons. The anatomy of this area has not received much attention in standard texts of Anatomy. A variant foramen called retromolar foramen has been described in the literature. This foramen transmits a neurovascular bundle. Presence of this neurovascular bundle poses a risk in the surgical procedures carried out for impacted lower third molar tooth extraction. The dental surgeon should also be aware of occasional presence of this neurovascular bundle in retromolar area while infiltrating local anesthetic agents. The present study was conducted on 71 dry mandibles and 10 cadaveric specimens. In dry mandibles, the boundaries and dimensions of retromolar trigone were studied. Prevalence of retromolar foramen was recorded. The distance of retromolar foramen, if present was recorded from posterior border of socket for third molar and second molar teeth respectively. In cadavers, retromolar areas were dissected and structures related were observed.
Ramus of mandible, Retromolar foramen, Temporal crest, Third molar
Athavale S A, Vijaywargia M, Deopujari R, Kotgirwar S. Bony and Cadaveric Study of Retromolar Region. People’s Journal of Scientific Research. 2013 July; 6(2): 14-18.