Foliar application of Zn at flowering stage improves plant’s performance, yield and yield attributes of black gram.

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Black gram plants subjected to varying levels of Zn supply (0.01 to 10 µM Zn) showed optimum growth and dry matter yield in plants receiving 1 µM Zn. The dry matter yield of plants decreased in plants receiving 0.01 and 0.1 µM Zn (deficient) and excess levels of Zn (2 and 10 µM Zn). The plants grown with Zn deficient supply showed delayed flowering, premature bud abscission, reduced size of anthers, pollen producing capacity, pollen viability and stigma receptivity resulting in poor pod formation and seed yield. Providing Zn as a foliar spray at pre-flowering stage minimized the severity of Zn deficiency on reproductive structure development and enhanced the seed nutritional status by enhancing seed Zn density, seed carbohydrate (sugar and starch content) and storage proteins (albumins, globulins, glutenins, and prolamines).
Biofortification, Black gram, Foliar spray, Seed Zn, Seed yield
Pandey Nalini, Gupta Bhavana, Pathak Girish Chandra. Foliar application of Zn at flowering stage improves plant’s performance, yield and yield attributes of black gram. Indian Journal of Experimental Biology. 2013 Jul; 51(7): 548-555.