Serum fucose level in malignant diseases.

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We review the present knowledge of serum fucose with special attention to its relation with various malignant diseases. We summarize the role of serum fucose as a useful diagnostic and prognostic marker when used singly or in combination. The purpose of this review is to provide an expert opinion on the practical and applied aspect of serum fucose level in clinical practice and research settings. Our review is based on information from published research studies, library books, and electronic searches through Medline and PubMed. The available published data were used as the basis for recommendations. Each of the subsections concludes to provide information to assist the clinicians and the research scientists make informed decisions.
Malignant, prognostic, serum fucose level
Sawke N G, Sawke G K. Serum fucose level in malignant diseases. Indian Journal of Cancer. 2010 Oct-Dec; 47(4): 452-457.