Asymptomatic, isolated tubercular splenic abscess, in an immunocompetent person.

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Tubercular splenic abscess in an immunocompetent person, especially when the patient is without any symptoms, is a rare clinical entity. We report a case of isolated tubercular splenic abscess in a 38-year-old asymptomatic healthy female and emphasize the importance of careful smear examination. The patient had come to the hospital for repair of vaginal vault prolapse. Her abdominal ultra sonography showed normal sized spleen with hypoechoic areas suggesting abscess. Fine needle aspiration of splenic lesion revealed tubercle bacilli on Ziehl Neelsen stain. The organisms also grew on culture. The splenic lesions cleared after six months of treatment with anti tubercular drugs at our Directly Observed Treatment centre under Revised National TB Control Programme. The patient was operated successfully for vault prolapse one year later.
Asymptomatic tubercular splenic abscess, splenic abscess, tubercular splenic abscess
Udgaonkar U, Kulkarni S, Shah S, Bhave S. Asymptomatic, isolated tubercular splenic abscess, in an immunocompetent person. Indian Journal of Medical Microbiology. 2010 Apr-Jun; 28(2): 172-173.