Multifocal idiopathic fibrosclerosis mimicking tuberculosis of the abdomen.

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We present a 13 year old girl from Assam who had been treated as abdominal tuberculosis for 2 years due to the presence of refractory lymphocyte-predominant ascites and multiple small bowel strictures associated with significant anorexia and weight loss. On evaluation she was found to have retroperitoneal fibrosis with hydroureteronephrosis, mediastinal fibrosis and a retro-orbital pseudotumour. Based on these findings the diagnosis of Multifocal Idiopathic Fibrosclerosis (MIFS) was made. Ascites and multiple bowel strictures have been only rarely been described in association with MIFS. The other unique features in this patient were the early age of presentation, the presence of mediastinal fibrosis in association with retroperitoneal fibrosis, extensive soft tissue fibrosis of the neck, axillae and the presence of trismus. In a country like ours where Tuberculosis is commonplace, one would not think twice about treating such a case with antituberculous therapy. However, with a constellation of findings suggestive of a diffuse fibrotic process, MIFS should be an important consideration.©
Chrispal A, Sathyendra S, Thomas Elsa Mary, Boorugu H, Mathews K P. Multifocal idiopathic fibrosclerosis mimicking tuberculosis of the abdomen. Journal of the Association of Physicians of India. 2009 Jan; 57(): 72-75.