The problem of child sexual abuse in india laws, legal lacuna and the Bill - PCSOB-2011.

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Child abuse is the physical or psychological maltreatment of a child, can be differentiated into four major categories, physical abuse, emotional abuse, neglect and worst of all; the sexual abuse. Child Sexual Abuse (CSA) is a kind of physical or mental violation of a child with sexual intent, usually by a person who is in a position of trust or power vis-à-vis the child. India is the second largest child population in the world, 42% of India’s total population is below eighteen years. In a shocking revelation, a Government commissioned survey has found that more than 53% of Indian children are subjected to sexual abuse / assault. Majority of these cases were perpetrated by someone known to the child or in a position of trust and responsibility, Not surprisingly, most children did not report the abuse to anyone. There is not a single law aimed at safeguarding children and protecting them against sexual abuse & assault, which is a serious lacuna against this background and is needed urgently. This paper will focus on child sexual abuse, the laws, legal loopholes, and The Protection of Children against Sexual Offences Bill, 2011.
Sexual abuse of children, Laws, Legal Lacuna
Kumar Alok, Pathak Asha, Kumar Sandeep, Rastogi Pooja, Rastogi Prateek. The problem of child sexual abuse in india laws, legal lacuna and the Bill - PCSOB-2011. Journal of Indian Academy of Forensic Medicine. 2012 Apr; 34(2): 170-175.