Intraoral framework pick-up technique to improve fit of a metal-resin implant prosthesis.

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The achievement of passive fit is an important prerequisite for the prevention of complications in full-arch screw-retained implant prosthesis. With cemented prosthesis, the cementation compensates for the discrepancies in the cast framework, but the lack of retrievability seems undesirable. The aim of this paper is to propose a modified screw-retained prosthesis design for complete arch implant fixed rehabilitation. A technique for the fabrication of a full-arch metal-resin implant-supported screw-retained prosthesis is described. Cementation of the framework to the abutments intraorally improves the passivity of fit of the prosthesis on the implants. Maintenance of screw-access channels in the final prosthesis ensures retrievability. The metal-resin design allows for easy repair and maintenance. The prosthesis is cost-effective compared to conventional options and can be employed as a viable treatment alternative when considering metal-acrylic resin complete arch fixed prosthesis.
Complete edentulism, fixed retrievable denture, implant prosthesis, passive fit
Baig Mirza Rustum, Gunaseelan Rajan. Intraoral framework pick-up technique to improve fit of a metal-resin implant prosthesis. Indian Journal of Dental Research. 2012 May-June; 23(3): 435-436.