An interdisciplinary approach to reconstruct a fractured tooth under an intact all ceramic crown: Case report with four years follow up.

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Trauma causing the fracture of a restored tooth with the extracoronal full coverage prosthesis remaining intact is a common occurrence in dental practice. Reconstruction of the damaged tooth foundation and recementation of the crown can pose quite a challenge for the restorative dentist. This case report describes an innovative interdisciplinary chairside technique for the recementation of an all-ceramic crown on a fractured maxillary central incisor. The course of care described is effective, affordable, and saves time in comparison with other treatment options for such clinical situations.
All ceramic, biologic width, crown lengthening, retreatment, retrograde
Bhandari Sudhir, Rajagopal Praveen, Bakshi Sonika. An interdisciplinary approach to reconstruct a fractured tooth under an intact all ceramic crown: Case report with four years follow up. Indian Journal of Dental Research. 2011 Jul-Aug; 22(4): 587-590.