A comparative evaluation of healing with a computed tomography scan of bilateral periapical lesions treated with and without the use of platelet-rich plasma.

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Periradicular surgery aims to achieve complete wound healing and regeneration of the periodontal unit. Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) is a platelet concentrate that is widely used to promote tissue healing, and bone induction through its various growth factors has been used in this study. This case report describes the use of PRP unilaterally in a bilateral periapical lesion in the same patient. The site treated with PRP showed better healing than the untreated site. This was confirmed with computed tomography (CT) scan readings. It was hypothesized that PRP could promote tissue regeneration and alveolar bone repair.
Computed tomography, healing, platelet-rich plasma, periradicular lesion
Parikh Bruhvi, Navin S, Vaishali P. A comparative evaluation of healing with a computed tomography scan of bilateral periapical lesions treated with and without the use of platelet-rich plasma. Indian Journal of Dental Research. 2011 May-Jun; 22(3): 497.