Comparison of the regenerative potential of an allograft used alone and that in conjunction with an immunosuppressive drug in the treatment of human periodontal infrabony defects: A clinical and radiological study.

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Background: Experimentation confirmed the conclusion that bone allografts, like other tissue and organ allografts, are immunogenic. These immune responses cause resorption of allograft, thus lowering the bone formation capacity of the graft. An attempt has been made in this study to prevent immune reactions and achieve enhanced regeneration of allograft-demineralized freeze-dried bone matrix by incorporating it with an immunosuppressive drug Cyclosporine-A (CsA) in the treatment of human periodontal infrabony defects. Materials and Methods: Fifteen patients showing clinical evidence of almost bilateral infrabony defects requiring bone grafting procedures were selected. In each patient, the infrabony defect of one side of the arch was designated as Group A (control site) and the infrabony defect of the contralateral side of the same arch was designated as Group B (test site). Results: On comparative evaluation of the two groups (by Student t-test), the mean values of reduction in probing depth (P=0.81 NS ) and gain in clinical attachment level (P=1.00 NS ) of Group B were found to be greater than that of Group-A, but the differences were statistically non-significant. The mean linear bone fill (P=0.010 ** ) of Group B was also detected to be higher than that of Group A, and the difference was found to be statistically significant. Conclusion: Increase in linear bone fill in Group B signifies the role of CsA in augmenting the regenerative potential of allograft by eliminating immune reactions.
Allografts, immune reactions, immunosuppression, regeneration
Dhawan Shivani, Dhawan Rajan, Gill Amarjit Singh, Sikri Poonam. Comparison of the regenerative potential of an allograft used alone and that in conjunction with an immunosuppressive drug in the treatment of human periodontal infrabony defects: A clinical and radiological study. Indian Journal of Dental Research. 2010 Oct-Dec; 21(4): 557-563.