Successful double lumen tube insertion in a patient with unanticipated laryngeal and tracheal web.

A 45-year-old female patient admitted for surgical management of carcinoma esophagus, presented with difficulty in insertion of left-sided 37 F and 35 F double lumen tube (Mallinckrodt® Broncho-Cath). Fiberoptic bronchoscopy revealed a subglottic web in the larynx just below the vocal cords and a tracheal web just above the carina. Differential lung ventilation could be achieved with a 35 F internal diameter double lumen tube (Portex® Blueline® Endobronchial tube).
Difficult intubation, double lumen tube, laryngeal and tracheal webs
Virmani Sanjula, Uppal Rajeev, Kiro Kiranlata, Bhandari Hricha, Dutta Devesh, Singh Nawab, Aggarwal Anil. Successful double lumen tube insertion in a patient with unanticipated laryngeal and tracheal web. Annals of Cardiac Anaesthesia. 2011 Sept; 14(3): 211-213.