Ewing's sarcoma of maxilla--a case report.

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This paper reports the case of an adolescent girl who was admitted in the ENT ward, IPGMR in February '88 with the complaints of nasal obstruction, nasal discharge associated with progressive swelling of the right side of her face for 1 year. She had an operation at Chittagong Medical College Hospital 1 year back for some problem in the right side of the nose. No history of pain, nasal bleeding or visual disturbance were present. The nasal mass was mobile, insensitive and did not bleed on touch, but the facial swelling was red, soft and cystic. Clinically diagnosed as an Antral growth with Ethmoidal involvement. Radiologically revealed soft tissue swelling, obliteration of nasal fossa and opacification of sinuses. After surgical resection the facial mass was diagnosed as Ewing's sarcoma histopathologically. The patient needed radiotherapy but did not follow it.
Bangladesh Medical Research Council Bulletin.
Amin MN, Islam KM, Ahmed AN, Datta PG, Amin AS, Abdullah M. Ewing's sarcoma of maxilla--a case report. Bangladesh Medical Research Council Bulletin. 1990 Jun; 16(1): 42-5