Bioterrorism - “My Role as a Dentist”.

Bioterrorism is the intentional use of micro-organisms and toxins to produce disease and death in humans, livestock and crops, their attraction in war and for use in terrorist attacks is attributed to various unique features. Biological weapons can be disseminated by aerosol sprays, explosives or food and water contamination. They can strike suddenly without any warning and inflict considerable mortality and morbidity that can continue for a long period, such attacks may create high level of panic, environment contamination and extreme pressures on emergency health services. Accurate and substantial information given to the public by credible public health and medical experts can do much to allay their fears and encourage their cooperation and participation in constructive, organized community response efforts. The dental profession could potentially play a significant role in the emergency response to a major bioterrorism attack.
Bioterrorism, Biological Agents, Dental Clinics, Death, Attack, Biodefence
Bhargava Deepak, Bhargava Kalyani, Sabri Imran, Siddharth M, Dave Aparna, Jagadeesh H G, Goel Manish. Bioterrorism - “My Role as a Dentist”. Journal of Indian Academy of Forensic Medicine. 2011 Jul; 33(3): 254-257.