Preparation of permanent slides of urine sediments.

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A simple method for preparation of permanent slides of urine sediments is described. To 100 ml of urine, 2 ml of a 40% formaldehyde solution is added. Centrifuge the formaldehyde-added urine specimen at 1000 rpm for 10 minutes. Discard the supernatant fluid and keep the sediment in a refrigerator overnight. The following day drop 1 ml of the resuspended sediment into a tube containing 3 ml of a 4% liquid gelatin. After mixing, drop 1 – 2 drops of the mixture on a glass slide, cover with a coverslip and seal. A permanent urine sediment slide is thus obtained. The cost is low but the result is excellent because the slides can be kept up to a period of not less eight months.
Preparation, Urine sediments
Sittapairochana Chokchai, Singhprasert Pranee. Preparation of permanent slides of urine sediments. Siriraj Medical Journal, 1987 Mar; 39(3): 151-152.