Eclampsia in Siriraj Hospital: Fifteen years analysis.

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The study of the epidemiological characteristics of eclamptic patients was carried out among patients admitted to Siriraj Hospital from January 1972 to December 1986. Particular attention was paid to antenatal care patterns, maternal and perinatal mortalities. Three hundred and eleven eclamptic patients were encountered among 301,533 deliveres, a prevalence of 103.1/100,000 deliveries. The majority of eclamptic patients had no antenatal care, only 14.74% of these patients had good antenatal supervision. There were 9 maternal deaths encountered during the whole period of study with no death encountered during the last 5 years. Twenty seven perinatal deaths were encountered of which intrapatum deaths were frequently found. Most of the deaths were due to prematurity. However, there has been no perinatal death among eclampic patients during the last 5 years.
Choavaratana Roungsin, Suvonnakote Thaviponk, Toongsuwan Sommai. Eclampsia in Siriraj Hospital: Fifteen years analysis. Siriraj Medical Journal, 1990 Jan; 42(1): 10-14.