Deep neck infection from cervical osteomyelitis in an intravenous drug abuser: A case report.

Prevertebral space abscess in the cervical region is a rare deep neck infection. Tuberculosis of the spine used to be the most frequent cause. We report a case of a 33-years-old male with Staphylococcal cervical osteomyelitis as a cause of prevertebral abscess. The patient was an IV drug abuser with positive HIV. The skin was the most likely source of infection in this patient. Diagnosis was made by lateral neck x-rays which showed collapse of an intervertebral disk between C4 and C5 with destructive lesions of the body of the spines, along with an abnormal widening of the prevertebral soft tissue. Management of the prevertebral abscess was discussed and the literature was literature was reviewed. Appropriate management should include establishment of the airway, stabilization of the spine, antibiotics and incision and drainage by external approach.
Deep neck infection, Cervical osteomyelitis, intravenous drug abuser
Ungkanont Kitirat, Laksuwong Montri, Vitavasiri Apichai, Tunsuriyawong Prayuth, Nakorn Apinan Na. Deep neck infection from cervical osteomyelitis in an intravenous drug abuser: A case report. Siriraj Medical Journal, 1995 Sept; 47(9): 827-831.