Prevalence of Hepatitis B carriers in pregnant women.

This study aimed to detect the prevalence of HBV carriers in pregnant woman by two blood tests, 3-month interval for HBsAg. At Siriraj antenatal clinic, there were 6.3% HBsAg positive and 37.6% HBsAg positive in 17,652 pregnant women who first visit ANC. Second blood test showed that 17.6% was HBsAg negative. HBV carrier pregnant women who were HBsAg positive twice were younger than HBV carriers who were HBsAg negative twice with P=0.00006. There were 1.2% high SGPT in HBV carriers. In sub-group who were HBsAg negative and turn to positive, 9.1% of them had high SGPT. This result indicates that in high prevalence of HBV carrier pregnant women blood test for SGPT in this sub-group is beneficial and cost-effective.
Prevalence, Hepatitis B carriers, Pregnant woman
Piya-Anant Manee, Jamjiun Bubpha, Prakitikvonchai Araya, Tienthai Chantra, Chandanabodhi Somthawil. Prevalence of Hepatitis B carriers in pregnant women. Siriraj Medical Journal, 1998 Jan; 50(1): 100-104.