Pulmonary rhodococcosis an unrecognized pulmonary infection in AIDS patients.

Pulmonary rhodococcosis is an uncommon pulmonary infection in human beings, but the case reports have been increasing in HIV-infected patients. We report a female AIDS patient presenting with fever, productive cough and weight loss over 6 weeks. Chest x-ray showed a cavitary lesion with air fluid level in the right upper lobe infiltration. Sputa for AFB stain were negative for 3 consecutive days. Fiberoptic bronchoscopy was performed and bronchoalveolar lavage fluid was examined. It showed a gram-positive, weakly acid-fast coccobacilli. The culture grew only Rhodococcus equi. She was treated with erythromycin and rifampin and responded well.
Pulmonary rhodococcosis, Unrecognized pulmonary infection, AIDS patients
Deesomchok Athavudh, Maneechotsuwan Kittipong, Srifuengfung Somporn, Suwanagool Surapol. Pulmonary rhodococcosis an unrecognized pulmonary infection in AIDS patients. Siriraj Medical Journal, 1999 Apr; 51(4): 284-288.