Effects of low blood alcohol level on reaction time.

Objective: To determine the effect of low-dose blood alcohol level on reaction time (RT), representing to the driving skill. Methods: Three groups of 72 healthy volunteers (36 men and 36 women) divided by age, gender and drinking - practice characteristics (light, moderate and heavy drinker). They were monitored in an attempt to identify changes in reaction time after the administration of low doses of alcohol. They took part in a computer-based response reaction time system before and after administration of low doses of alcohol. The low doses of alcohol were identified to the blood alcohol concentration (BAC) values between 0 and 30-80 mg% by breathalyzer. Results: In all categories, the means of reaction time (RT) at the BAC values between 0 and 30-80 mg% in all volunteers showed a statistically significant difference at p < 0.05, except in light drinkers and moderate drinkers, there was no statistically significant difference between BAC 0 and 30 mg% (p > 0.05) but a statistically significant difference at BAC between 0 and 40-80 mg% (p < 0.001). Conclusions: The effect of low-dose blood alcohol level on reaction time in this study suggests that the BAC values lower than 50 mg% (legalistic limit) may impair driving skills which leads to a high risk of traffic accident.
Kussalanan Amnaj, Ra-ngabphai Chachawin, Sasithonrojanachai Siriwan, Thasanasuwan Arnon, Na Ayuthaya Pimprapai Seneewong. Effects of low blood alcohol level on reaction time. Siriraj Medical Journal, 2005 June; 57(6): 193-196.