Immediate type hypersensitivity to chemotherapeutic agents in pediatric patients.

Nine patients (3 boys and 6 girls) with a median age of 9.5 years, with immediate type hypersensitivi-ty reactions to chemotherapeutic agents were reviewed. The presenting symptoms were urticaria (4/9) and ana-phylaxis (5/9). The causative agents were vincristine (2/9), L-asparaginase (2/9), mesna (1/9), cyclosporine (1/9), carboplatin (2/9) and cyclophosphamide (1/9). Three of the five patients with anaphylaxis were changed to alterna-tive chemotherapeutic agents. In two cases alternative drugs were not available and the patients underwent safe and successful desensitization. Three of the 4 patients with urticaria were successfully exposed to graded chal-lenges with cyclosporine, carboplatin and cyclophosphamide, respectively. In the other case with generalized urti-caria, mesna was withdrawn due to a positive intradermal test. In patients with immediate type hypersensitivity reactions to chemotherapeutic drugs, if effective alternative chemotherapeutic agents are not available and/or the skin test is negative, a careful drug challenge and/or desensitization should be performed.
Visitsunthorn Nualanong, Utsawapreechawong Wipa, Pacharn Punchama, Jirapongsananuruk Orathai, Vichyanond Pakit. Immediate type hypersensitivity to chemotherapeutic agents in pediatric patients. Asian Pacific Journal of Allergy and Immunology, 2009 Dec; 27(4): 191-197.