Fungal keratitis in Lattice dystrophy.

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We report a case of fungal keratitis occurring in a patient with lattice dystrophy. A 57-year-old farmer presented with a corneal ulcer following probable entry of paddy husk in the right eye, of one month duration. Corneal scraping revealed pigmented fungal filaments while culture grew Alternaria alternata. Treatment with 5% natamycin eye drops and 1% atropine healed the infection in four weeks. We would like to draw attention to the fact that the cornea in lattice dystrophy is prone to frequent erosions and is a compromised epithelial barrier to invasion by microorganisms. Patients must be made aware of this fact and should seek attention at the earliest following any trivial trauma. Management of minor corneal abrasions in them should be directed at healing the epithelium with adequate lubricants and preventing infection with topical antibiotic prophylaxis.
Alternaria alternata, corneal dystrophy, fungal keratitis, lattice dystrophy, natamycin
Chatterjee Samrat, Agrawal Deepshikha. Fungal keratitis in Lattice dystrophy. Indian Journal of Ophthalmology. 2010 Mar; 58(2): 162-164.