Cryonics: A step towards immortality anatomical, medicolegal and ethical implications.

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The inestimable value of human life is a cardinal feature of Jewish Law, which includes an obligation for maintenance of our own health and self preservation. Rabbinical Assembly’s, Committee on Jewish Law and Standards, states that “the preservation of human life is obligatory, not optional”. Cryonics is an attempt to protect the gift of human life, through low temperature preservation, if necessary for hundreds of years, until they can be revived and cured of whatever illness or injury caused their legal death. The objectives of this article are: (a) To strengthen the concept of cryonics, through experiments performed, and cytoarchitectural results obtained thereof, by many research workers in both animals and human beings. (b) To logically discuss the legal and ethical issues associated with cryonics. In the end an attempt has been made to introduce the concept of nanotechnology and nanomedicine which will make revival a reality someday.
Cryonics, Cryoprotectant, Cryobiologist, Legal Death, Neurosuspension, Vitrification, Nanotechnology, Nanomedicine, Ethical Implication
Jain Sanjeev Kumar, Yadav Mukesh, Mongia Shashi Munjal. Cryonics: A step towards immortality anatomical, medicolegal and ethical implications. Journal of Indian Academy of Forensic Medicine. 2007 Jul; 29(3): 10-12.