Conversion to hijrah (EUNUCH) is it need based or a crime.

Young boys were allegedly kidnapped and kept under illegal custody for months together. After demoralization had set in due to prolonged confinement, surgery was done on their private parts and female hormones were given to the persons. The converted person were made to wear female garments and performed in groups as a female dancers and earned money while in captivity. After a few years the person approached the police that this heinous crime had been done against their will.
Hijrah, Eunuch, Castration
Dalal JS, Gorea RK, Rai Hakumat, Chanana Ashok, Kaur Paramjeet, Rai Gurmanjit, Aggarwal AD, Mittal Shilekh, Chawla Rahul. Conversion to hijrah (EUNUCH) is it need based or a crime. Journal of Indian Academy of Forensic Medicine. 2004 Oct; 26(4): 153-156.