Biological warfare, bioterrorism and biodefence.

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Biological warfare is the intentional use of micro-organisms and toxins to produce disease and death in humans, livestock and crops, their attraction in war, and for use in terrorist attacks is attributed to various unique features. Biological weapons (BWs) can be disseminated by aerosol sprays, explosives or food and water contamination. Bws can strike suddenly without any warning and inflict considerable mortality and morbidity that can continue for a long period, such attacks may create high level of panic, environment contamination and extreme pressures on emergency health services. Bioterrorism is the use of bws in terrorism. Current concerns regarding the use of bws result from the increasing number of countries that are engaged in the proliferation of such weapons and their acquisition by terrorist organizations. The need of the hour is to develop biodefence by full international cooperation and to educate the likely target populations about precautions and protective measures to be taken in such attacks.
Biological Warfare, Bioterrorism, Biodefence
Kumar Alok, Verma Archana, Yadav Mukesh, Sabri Imran, Asthana Ashish. Biological warfare, bioterrorism and biodefence. Journal of Indian Academy of Forensic Medicine. 2011 Jan; 33(1): 69-73..