Haematological parameters in Malaria.

Malaria accounts for majority of the cases of acute febrile illness with predominance of P.falciparum during the malaria transmission period. Alterations in hematological parameters in the form of anemia and thrombocytopenia are frequently encountered in malaria, especially P.falciparum malaria. Low hemoglobin value and thrombocytopenia increase the probability of malaria in cases of acute febrile illness. Platelet count below 150,000 cells/cu.mm in cases acute fever is single most important parameter indicative of malaria.
Madiya Ashish N, Pander Kashmira B, Patel Niranjan, Pathak Narendra R, Hiryur Premnath. Haematological parameters in Malaria. Indian Journal of Applied-Basic Medical Sciences. 2010 Jul; 12b(15): 31-36