A longitudinal follow up of neurodevelopment of high risk newborns--a comparison of Amiel-Tison's method with Bayley Scales of Infant Development.

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The neurodevelopment of 42 high risk babies and 7 control babies was assessed longitudinally till the age of 12 months by using two different methods. The method of neurological evaluation described by Amiel-Tison was used, and the results compared with those of a standard developmental test, the Bayley Scales of Infant Development. The Amiel-Tison method was found to be a sensitive test for picking up abnormalities till the age of 9 months, but lost its advantage over the Bayley Scales at 12 months. Besides, the test was quick, simple to learn and did not need a special kit or a trained psychologist and was hence found to be a good screening method.
Chaudhari S, Shinde SV, Barve SS, Dixit HS, Pandit A. A longitudinal follow up of neurodevelopment of high risk newborns--a comparison of Amiel-Tison's method with Bayley Scales of Infant Development. Indian Pediatrics. 1990 Aug; 27(8): 799-802