A study of lipid profile in Myanmar smokers and nonsmokers

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This study was carried out to see the levels of serum lipids in smokers and nonsmoders. A total of 155 healthy subjects from the staff of the Institute of Medicine II, Yangon were studied. Among the 155 subjects, 96 were nonsmokers and 59 were active current smokers, smoking 1-9 cigarettes a day. Over night fasting samples of serum total cholesterol, serum HDL cholesterol, serum trigly-cerides and serum phospholipids were measured. It was found that smokers had significantly higher level of serum total cholesterol than nonsmoders.
Thin Thin Hlaing, Myo Win, Khin Maung Maung, Myat Phone Kyaw, Maung Maung Aye, Kyu Kyu Maung, Nyunt Tin, Ba Aye. A study of lipid profile in Myanmar smokers and nonsmokers. Myanmar Health Sciences Research Journal. 1994; 6(1): 1-3