Family Gp in Australia the role it plays within the health care system

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Australia has been internationally recognized as having one of the fairest and the finest health care systems in the world and one of the importantcomponents in the system is a 'Family GP'. To become known as a 'Family doctor' or 'My doctor'in a family, he has to identify the nature of a helath problem from a broad range of possibilities often when very little information is availableand has to act within the social and financial limitations. Matters on the role of a family GP as a guide to health care, on how to become a competent family doctor, on how to improve patient-doctor relationship, on giving health education,and on keeping confidentiality of personal or family health diaries were discussed. Other components involved are teamwork with other GPs, specialized medical professionals, pharmacists, local hospitals and nursing homes. Finally, the importance of continual medical education and Vocational Registration, to keep up to date with the latest medical advances and recognition of medical provide the best possible care, were looked into. It has been estimated that over 80
of the population, in both developed and developing countries visit a General Practitioner (GP) at least once a year. In accordance with theme "Development of Family Medicine in Myanmar" it is important to know how GP and family medicine comes together to improve health care in other countrie. Australia has been internationallyrecognized as having one of the fairest and the finest health care systems in the world and one of the important components in the system is a 'Family GP'. It is fair because Australians contribute to the system through taxes and Medicare levy according to their means. Medicare allows all Australians to get high quality health care according to need. It is one of the finest systems because it provides a very high standard of care, which is internationally acknowledge. The Australian Government also works continuously with the medical profession to further improve GP services to make the good system even better.
Thaw Zin. Family Gp in Australia the role it plays within the health care system. Myanmar Medical Journal. 2000; 44(2): 106-110