Liver abscess, portal vein thrombosis and cavernoma formation following umbilical vein catherisation in two neonates.

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Liver abscess is a rare condition in neonates and its diagnosis requires a high degree of suspicion. CT scan and ultrasound are the most sensitive diagnostic modalities for detecting hepatic abscess. Portal vein thrombosis and cavernoma formation are rare complications following neonatal liver abscess and sepsis. We describe the case of two neonates with hepatic abscess following umblical vein catheterisation, with rare complications of portal vein thrombosis and portal vein cavernoma formation. Therefore, unreserved caution should be exercised in performing umbilical cannulation in neonates due to the inherent risks involved with this procedure.
Sethi SK, Dewan P, Faridi MM, Aggarwal A, Upreti L. Liver abscess, portal vein thrombosis and cavernoma formation following umbilical vein catherisation in two neonates. Tropical Gastroenterology. 2007 Apr-Jun; 28(2): 79-80