Upper gastrointestinal diseases in Saudi Arabian children.

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In contrast to the experience in the adults, there are limited data concerning the efficacy and safety of upper gastrointestinal endoscopy (UGIE) in paediatric patients. The information on this procedure is very scanty from non-western countries. We analysed 72 children evaluated in Gizan, Saudi Arabia, an area of high endemic hepatitis B and chronic liver disease. The indications comprised abdominal pain (49%), UGI bleeding (24%) and evaluation of suspected portal hypertension. No abnormality was detected in 33 (46%). Mucosal inflammatory lesions (oesophagitis, gastritis and duodenitis) are the commonest abnormal lesions, occurring in 24 (33%). Duodenal ulcer (4 cases) and gastric ulcer (1 case) were relatively few. No case of malignancy was found. Sclerotherapy for variceal bleeding was effective in 4 patients. Helicobacter pylori was detected in 12 of 23 patients and associated with histologically identified gastritis in the majority of these cases. It is concluded that paediatric UGIE is safe and useful in the diagnosis and therapeutic intervention for UGI diseases in children. Our findings provide additional information on the pattern of diseases among Saudi Arabian children.
Ayoola EA, Nanda VJ, Gadour MO, Elamin AK. Upper gastrointestinal diseases in Saudi Arabian children. Tropical Gastroenterology. 1999 Jul-Sep; 20(3): 137-9