A cheap and convenient modification of arsine generator used for arsenic estimation.

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In a study observing the effect of spirulina in the treatment of chronic arsenic poisoning quantitative estimation of arsenic in the urine of the patients was necessary. It was decided to try a modification of the arsine generator in the process. An alternative apparatus was designed following the structure of arsine generator by White (1976) using a 50-ml conical flask with rubber cork, 4-ml injection vial, two 3" long glass tubes and a glass test tube. An experiment was carried out with solutions containing known amounts of arsenic. The alternative arsine generator was tried in the estimation of arsenic content in those solutions. The results revealed that the apparatus permitted correct measurement of arsenic concentration. The alternative arsine generator was cheap easy to use and provided authentic results in estimation of arsenic concentration in the urine of patients with chronic arsenic poisoning.
Mymensingh Medical Journal.
Huq MA, Parveen F, Choudhury SR. A cheap and convenient modification of arsine generator used for arsenic estimation. Mymensingh Medical Journal. 2003 Jan; 12(1): 30-2