Improving drug safety monitoring.

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Drug safety monitoring is important in children. Young age, polypharmacy, prolonged hospitaliza-tion, being critically ill and use of unlicensed and off-label drugs have been identified as risk factors which predispose a child to experience an adverse drug reaction. In our country, the HIV/AIDS epidemic, setting up of intensive care units, increasing availability of imaging studies, and the introduction of several new drugs and vaccines have accentuated the need for improving drug safety monitoring in children. To achieve this aim, establishing in-hospital computerized event monitoring program in major hospitals and an effective national post- marketing drug surveillance network are the need of the hour.
40 references.
Karande S, Gogtay NJ, Kshirsagar NA. Improving drug safety monitoring. Indian Pediatrics. 2003 Dec; 40(12): 1167-75