Laryngeal changes following long-term stenting with polyvinyl chloride tubes.

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BACKGROUND. To treat tracheal stenosis and permit wound healing to occur an inert stent is required which resists the contraction process and prevents re-stenosis. The newer stents of polyvinyl chloride are not readily available in India and endotracheal tubes are used in many centres. In our centre polyvinyl chloride tubes are used nasotracheally for prolonged periods. We prospectively studied the pattern of laryngeal changes that occur because of prolonged nasotracheal stenting with polyvinyl chloride tubes. METHODS. The incidence and pattern of laryngeal changes due to stents was prospectively studied at the time of removal of stents, using an operating microscope. Twenty-nine patients underwent tracheal reconstructive surgery for tracheal stenosis (post-intubation or post-tracheostomy) and tracheal injuries. RESULTS. Twelve different lesions were noted and their pattern was related to the period of stenting. Fibrosis, fibrous band formation and webs were noted after four weeks. A high incidence of laryngeal changes was seen in all age groups with an overall incidence of 79% (males 79%; females 88%; adults 82%, children 75%). The mean (SD) duration of stenting was 50 (33) days. Patients with laryngeal changes had a significantly (p < 0.05) longer duration of stenting [56 (34) days] compared to those without any lesion [29 (15) days]. CONCLUSIONS. After four weeks of stenting the severity and incidence of laryngeal changes increase. We recommend restriction of the use of polyvinyl chloride stents to less than four weeks to prevent permanent laryngeal damage.
Mandal NG, Muralidhar V, Kumar S, Kaul HL, Ghosh P. Laryngeal changes following long-term stenting with polyvinyl chloride tubes. National Medical Journal of India. 1995 Sep-Oct; 8(5): 213-5