Prostaglandin E2 gel In ripening of cervix in induction of labour.

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A study was done in 75 patients who underwent induction of labour with Prostaglandin E2 gel. All these patients had an unripe cervix. The commonest indications were post-datism, intrauterine growth retardation and pregnancy-induced hypertension. All patients were primigravidas with singleton pregnancy and beyond 35 weeks of pregnancy. The mean Bishop score at the time of instillation was less than three. The improvement of another 2-3 points within six hours and by 7-8 points within 12 hours was found after instillation of the gel. 92% of the patients went into spontaneous labour and 8% required reinstillation. The incidence of failed induction was 1.33%. The mean duration of latent phase was 10.34 hours. Induction delivery time was 16.43 hours. 68.1% patients required augmentation of labour and 31.9% did not require augmentation of labour with oxytocin drip. The incidence of vaginal delivery was 81.33% and that of caesarean section was 17.33%. The commonest indication of caesarean section was foetal distress.
Warke HS, Saraogi RM, Sanjwalla SM. Prostaglandin E2 gel In ripening of cervix in induction of labour. Journal of Postgraduate Medicine. 1999 Oct-Dec; 45(4): 105-9