Cavernous haemangioma in the interpeduncular cistern: case report and review of literature.

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A rare case of a cavernous haemangioma in the interpeduncular cistern is reported. The patient, forty-five year old male presented with excruciating left sided trigeminal neuralgia and diplopia for the past one year. Examination revealed left third and fifth nerve paresis. Magnetic resonance imaging showed a well-defined, lobulated tumour in the interpeduncular cistern. The tumour was totally excised through a subtemporal route. Histology of the tumour revealed a cavernous haemangioma. Extracerebral location for a cavernous haemangioma is rare. An interpeduncular cavernous haemangioma has never been reported earlier in literature. The clinical and radiological features are discussed and relevant literature is briefly reviewed.
10 references.
Muzumdar DP, Bhatjiwale MG, Goel A, Doshi P. Cavernous haemangioma in the interpeduncular cistern: case report and review of literature. Journal of Postgraduate Medicine. 2001 Jul-Sep; 47(3): 191-3